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About us
Our story
Gymrail Concept Ltd is a company located in Vimpeli, Finland. We are dedicated to change the world of indoor cycling and home training as a whole for good. We’ve had the opportunity to work closely with professional athletes which has given us the possibility to get instant feedback on prototypes, and what improvements has to be done. Our first product, the Momentum X1, is the outcome of hundreds of hours of designing, testing and perfecting the product.
This is just the beginning.
Our mission
We want to help professional athletes reach the best possible results and make training, fitness and rehabilitation more efficient, convenient and available for as many people as possible. To achieve this, we have developed innovative training equipment that increase well-being and improve performance.
No off-seasons with Momentum X1
Whether you’re indoors or outdoors, it’s all the same with Momentum X1. Now, you can use your bike 365 days a year with a 4D rocker system that takes bad weather and other variables out of the equation. Experience the most natural riding movement with Momentum X1 – a new innovation by Gymrail that takes indoor cycling training to a whole new level.
When compared to traditional rocker plates, the Momentum X1:
- Offers true natural movement with a game-changing 4D-technology
- Helps you reach your final watts and improve your training level by an average of 9%
- Allows you to train as hard as you can without putting any extra pressure on your bike frame